St. Louis Missouri, Mission

St. Louis Missouri, Mission

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Miracles happening!!

Elder Anderson and his companion have been blessed with many little miracles in the past month.  They have truly felt the tender mercies sent from above.  Here are some of his experiences in his own words....."So this week we saw another little miracle that we weren't expecting. It was Tuesday and late at night which usually means on campus its hard to get anyone to listen to us because since this is a party school people are off to places and such so its hard to grab attention and its a little awkward talking to two guys in shirts and ties at 8 at night and its dark, But we were walking and I saw a girl and felt the need to really talk to her, well her name is Shianne and she was looking to find a church and religion because she didn't grow up with it so she wanted to learn more about the church and said she would bring her friend as well. Well we had a great lesson with Shianne and her friend Crystol and they seem to be really prepared :) so we are really excited about both of them."

"My other way cool experience that happened this week :) I got a call on Tuesday from Andrew Smith, do you remember him he was that 12 year old that was my first baptism in the mission. Well he called me and I was way stoked to hear from him and to know he was doing good and it was cool because he asked me if on Sunday of this week I could ordain him to be a Teacher :) talk about being filled with joy in every fiber of my being!!! 

Elder Anderson and Andrew Smith

  "On Sunday it was a miracle that I was getting around because from Friday till now I have been sick. I had a bunch of sinus pressure headaches and such then Friday to Sunday I was throwing up so it hasn't been good. But I refuse to lay down on a sick bed! So I worked but Sunday I did not know how I was going to function but we went to go see Andrew so I could ordain him to be a Teacher. And after I ordained him I literally felt like 10 times better! It was nutz! But the spirit was way strong in that moment. To be a big part in this kids life is just so cool."

 "I did have a birthday miracle, because all of our appointments that we had for that day dropped so it was way unfortunate.. But we got contacted by a guy who was being taught in the past by missionaries and basically heard all the discussions and had to stop meeting with the missionaries because of sickness but was finally on the up and up from his illness and other things he needed to work out and wants to be baptized! So my jaw dropped at that statement because nothing like that has ever really happened for me where someone just calls and says hey I want to be baptized :) it was a definite blessing."

Celebrating the big "21"!

Showing off the Birthday Banner from home

Being taken care of by a "Mission Momma"