St. Louis Missouri, Mission

St. Louis Missouri, Mission

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Best Christmas present ever!!!

Mom got her best ever Christmas present this year....a skype call from Kody!!! It was so fun to talk to him and SEE that he was doing well. We talked for just over and hour. He is doing well and shared a few stories of experiences that he has had. He was able to get a guitar which he used to play some songs for his Zone Christmas devotional and he and his companion, Elder Marshall sang The First Noel at sacrament meeting in their branch on Christmas Day. They got spoiled on Christmas with many invites from members and were fed well. I think they wish some of that could be spread out. I asked him what the weirdest thing he has eaten so far is and he mentioned that he had chili that he dipped with bread that had peanut butter and syrup on it. He liked it and hopes to have it again.

Kody had officially had his first "high" on his misison. He and his Zone Leader were doing some service for one of the members. They primed and painted an upstairs room that apparently wasn't well ventilated. He said the worst of it was the next day when he suffered from a pretty bad headache. He is doing a lot of tracting lately in search of new people to add to their teaching pool. Recently they searched out a part member/inactive family who has been pretty receptive and has committed to come to church. His goal for the new year is to place at least one Book of Mormon a day. He knows that even this small effort could make a huge difference somewhere in someone's life. He is gaining an appreciation and growing testimony of this book and of it's power. He wants all of his friends and family to know of his love for them and appreciation of their support. a reminder.....he would love more letters.....KEEP WRITING!

Christmas in Missouri

First Christmas as a missionary
Not sure which companion he likes best...
Elder Marshall or the guitar???

Christmas tree!!

Thanks for the Snuggie Aunt Tracy!!

The Dewaal Family

Kody knows this is where he is supposed
to be and what he is supposed to be
doing at this time in his life.