St. Louis Missouri, Mission

St. Louis Missouri, Mission

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

...and the work moves forward....or stands still.

Elder Anderson and his companion have been struggling a little with the summer break at the University of Illinois.  Due to most of the students being gone the work has gotten a little slow.  And, to make it worse, because they are in a singles ward dinner invites are not easy to come by.  But is has been good as they are using this time to work on their cooking skills.  They are keeping busy with a lot of Zone meetings with other missionaries as well as welcoming in a new Mission President.  Elder Anderson included this testimony in his last letter about the studying he had been doing...... " I will leave I guess just with a testimony of what I have been learning about this week and that is "becoming as a little child" as talked about in Mosiah 3:19, I have learned that in life we strive to become as the father, and we are given certain things to be able to do so. We are given the gospel, faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the holy ghost and enduring to the end, and we are also given a Savior to follow his example and learn from him. The qualities it talks about in that verse are being humble, patient, full of love, submissive, meek, and having a willingness to submit to the Lord in all things. I realized how these attributes can be acquired through all that the father has given us. And that as we gain these attributes we come closer to our Father, and we become his righteous children that he wants us to be. And as we do that we can be effective tools to be used in his hands and that's what I want, to be the one He can always call on when he has a job that he needs to get done."